London Tech Week – driving change in the manufacturing industry

Between June 10 and 12, 2024, we attended Tech Week London, a premier event that attracted nearly 10,000 attendees. The event showcased the latest technological innovations and provided a platform for companies to exhibit their cutting-edge solutions. Among the exhibitors, we observed various industries, each eager to explore AI, robotics, and automation advancements.

AI and the Industrial Future

This year’s edition has brought attention to developments in AI. We could observe tremendous interest from various companies and the courses of action they’re taking towards artificial intelligence. What was very visible at that point was the shift that major global companies such as DHL or IBM were taking on the AI journey. Interest in these companies’ technology clearly points to the fact that automation in warehousing, manufacturing, distribution, and supply chains will be driven strictly by AI.

However, AI wasn’t the single subject of this event. Intentionally, it was dedicated to showcasing the most recent developments that can support various industries in the future. Among the companies that visited the event, we could meet and talk with representatives from these industries:

Manufacturing: Companies that visited the event are exploring advancements in smart manufacturing and the integration of AI to enhance production efficiency. It was particularly visible during discussions about shifting business logic. For example, we can observe that many operations in service and maintenance lack predictive analysis accuracy, and this is where AI could advance companies.

Transportation: When we spoke with representatives from companies like DHL, they highlighted that innovations in autonomous vehicles, smart traffic management, and logistics optimization are the future. At the venue in London, DHL sales representatives searched for new business opportunities and developments.

Warehousing Automation: Talking to companies like Logistex, we observed a strong focus on cutting-edge automation solutions for inventory management and order fulfillment as a leading trend in the coming months. With this in mind, we can see the advancements this will also bring to the manufacturing industry.

Among other companies we had the opportunity to talk to, we could oversee areas such as:

Agriculture: In this area, companies showcase precision farming technologies and AI applications to improve crop yield and resource management.

Aerospace & Aviation: Discussing the air transportation industry, we see the latest investments in drone technology, featuring AI for air traffic control. AI will also be used in predictive maintenance to prevent unplanned issues with, for example, airplane engines or other technical installations.

Construction / Real Estate: During Tech Week London, we saw that representatives from these companies are exploring smart building technologies, AI for project management, and real estate analytics. They expect that in the future, their systems for field service and maintenance will be deployed with AI technology.

Energy & Utilities: This area of interest during the event highlighted AI applications in grid management, renewable energy optimization, and resource conservation. Sustainability will be a strong focus for them, especially in planning maintenance operations for energy plants.

Other important companies were from industries such as Oil and gas, Supply / Logistics, and Enterprise Development. As in the mentioned cases, they discussed AI-driven exploration, predictive maintenance, and operational efficiency in their specific sectors during the event.

Startup Hub

Many tech startups could benefit from demonstrating AI tools for business growth, innovation management, and competitive analysis. We concluded that this was why giants like IBM were very present during the event. Tech companies like IBM always want to stay ahead of current developments and are actively seeking new talents. They’re doing a good job, and IBM isn’t the only business doing it.

Tech startups present many innovative ideas that can be applied to any industry, including manufacturing, logistics, or supply chain management. Perhaps IBM can apply some technologies directly to its customers in the manufacturing industry in the future.

Taking a Deep Breath

Despite many developments, some solutions are still far from perfect and need years before they can fully replace existing processes in industries such as manufacturing. So, we need to take a deep breath and look at what happened during Tech Week London with a level-headed perspective. There is no chance that some processes will dramatically shift from day one in companies within the manufacturing industry.

Our industry, where we provide CMMS system solutions, requires slow advancement so as not to jeopardize any existing processes. Rough changes can be made only if long-term contracts ensure running operations, but even this doesn’t guarantee production companies will keep it once business stops fulfilling forecasted demand. Frankly speaking, by looking at the manufacturing industry, we can consider partially applying AI in strictly dedicated isolated areas, ensuring its downgrading does not affect daily operations. 

For example, a production line in the automotive industry with robotic arms can be controlled by AI algorithms to improve the quality of the elements produced.

When it comes to robotics and automation, even with the deployment of AI, a good level of maintenance will still be required. That’s why companies will still need an easy-to-use and robust CMMS system.

Final Takeaway

During the event, we observed a hunger for rapid growth. Companies from the manufacturing, supply chain, and transportation industries perceive AI as a strong and convenient resource that will allow them to advance in the future. Companies in manufacturing want to be early adopters, but the truth may be that the change will not come as quickly as it seems.

At QRmaint, we understand business needs and know that manufacturing industries don’t change so fast. We understand the management decision-making process and don’t expose companies to unnecessary risk. We use robust and confirmed methods and technology built over the years on our expertise in maintenance. Do you want to know more about how a CMMS can support your business? Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more. Try for free in 14-days testing trial.


The main discussion topics at Tech Week London included advancements in smart manufacturing, the integration of artificial intelligence to enhance production efficiency, autonomous vehicles and smart traffic management in transportation, warehouse automation, and the application of AI in various sectors such as agriculture, aerospace, construction, energy, and utilities.

Transportation companies like DHL see the future of their industry in innovations related to autonomous vehicles, smart traffic management, and logistics optimization. During the event, DHL representatives were looking for new business opportunities and developments in these areas.

In the agriculture sector, technologies showcased included precision agriculture and AI applications aimed at improving crop yields and resource management. Companies presented innovative solutions that could significantly impact the development of this sector.


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