How to avoid failures in industrial plants?

One of the biggest threats to the industry is downtime caused by breakdowns. They always mean significant delays in implementing plans and the consequent huge losses incurred by companies in terms of image and material.

Through production downtime, customers dissatisfied with the failure to meet deadlines may choose another company and significantly damage the company’s reputation. In addition, this can reduce the work of maintenance team members, reducing the quality and efficiency of their daily work. Because of this, it is becoming essential to counteract such situations. It is, therefore, worth reviewing the most likely causes of downtime. Then, implement methods to prevent them from happening in the future.

In industry, the most common causes of downtime are failures due to interruption of energy supply, machine breakdowns, employee errors or a temporary lack of supply of raw materials, without which production cannot continue. The risks described above can be significantly reduced through the following measures.

7 ways of prevention in industrial plants

1. Employee training

First and foremost, each employee must be highly professionally trained. This will avoid simple mistakes leading to machine breakdowns, such as using the wrong knives with the material being used or incorrectly inserted parts in the machine, which is a simple route to failure. Nor should we forget to dispense with the common practice of wrestling with various components despite their high resistance

2. Backup energy

Occurring energy supply interruptions can be reduced by using backup energy sources.

3. CMMS implementation

Occurring breakdowns of the production machinery can also be reduced through monitoring, taking machine readings and historical data, which a traffic management system can help with. Their actual technical condition should also be checked. If necessary, either replace parts that are already worn out or update the system.

4. Adequate stocking

Stock shortages, which prevent further production, can be significantly reduced through appropriate and sensible stock management. With the help of software, e.g. a WMS (Wide Management System). Warehouse Management Software), or using APS production planning tools. Advanced Planning & Scheduling).

5. Choosing original parts over replacements

It should also not be forgotten how vital high-quality components are for the operation of modern machines. Ideally, they would be original and not – as often in factories – substitutes used. It is an investment in machines’ safe and smooth operation without constant breakdowns and production downtime. Genuine components also have a longer service life in contrast to their replacements. In addition, please note that using non-original parts may invalidate the warranty.

6. Early prevention

Sometimes the first symptoms of a machine breakdown, such as hissing, knocking, buzzing, rumbling or even smoke coming out of the machine, are also underestimated. Such symptoms cannot be overlooked, and specialists should be called in immediately to ensure the machine is in working order.

7. Accurate machine and plant diagnostics

It is also essential to keep a close eye on the machines for at least minor traces of rust because if this is neglected, the entire equipment will corrode quickly, resulting in costly repairs and production downtime.

Do you want to avoid accidents at industrial plants? Then, explore the possibilities of the QRmaint system. Then, contact us by calling +48 12 400 41 70.


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