7 myths about CMMS systems

The CMMS systems are becoming an essential standard in manufacturing plants. Despite many positive developments in the world of manufacturing, there are still many myths about automated maintenance support solutions. The following are the most common myths about CMMS systems.

1. Implementing a CMMS is not cost-effective

One of the biggest investment mistakes is to ignore the potential benefits, which, compared to the outlay required, seem unaffordable. In reality, machine availability of 80-90% is too low. Only conscious manufacturers use appropriate prevention and, with the support of the CMMS, want to achieve every additional percentage of machine availability. We have examples of companies where an increase in machine uptime of just one per cent has brought in additional revenue at the level of the maintenance department’s full-year budget.

2. Operating the CMMS is very time-consuming

Those in charge of maintenance of various production facilities when implementing a CMMS often ask: “Why waste time putting something into the system?”. Employees who are used to fixing one failure after another do not like the fact that they will have to spend too much time on data entry. CMMS software manufacturers are aware that the tool’s handling time must be minimal. Mechanics are not employed to enter data, so at QRmaint, we rely on an intuitive solution using QR codes. If an employee can operate a smartphone, he or she will be able to handle our application without any problems.

3. CMMS is only a solution for large companies

All the time, one can encounter the statement that CMMS solutions are dedicated only to large plants. Our experience shows that they can be successfully used by smaller companies, reaping huge profits. It is worth noting that the prices of such solutions in Poland are affordable for the budgets of local companies and do not involve great costs. QRmaint is available on a subscription model, allowing the expenditure allocated for the maintenance system to be spread over many months.

4. The CMMS can simply be replaced by an ERP module

Looking to save money, companies are choosing to purchase a module that extends the ERP system to include maintenance, while forgoing investment in a CMMS. Unfortunately, these will only be apparent savings, as no module can replace a dedicated programme. A professional CMMS is not just about monitoring the status of spare parts. Ultimately, it appears that the results achieved when working with the ERP module are unsatisfactory. Then it becomes apparent that another investment is required, this time in a real CMMS. At the end of the day, we will pay double.

5. Implementation of the system will automatically improve the values of UR indicators

Companies interested in maintenance have the impression that the implementation of a CMMS will immediately improve the performance of the indicators:

  • MTTR (Average Time To Repair) – the average time required to repair a breakdown.
  • MTTF (Average Time To Failure) – average time until failure occurs.
  • MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) – average time between failures
  • OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) – overall effectiveness of equipment

Computer tools organize the work, but just installing them will change nothing. For the implementation of the tool to be successful, it must cover the whole organisation and the work philosophy of the maintenance department.

6. Without a CMMS, a company cannot survive

It is not true that production facilities will not be able to do without this tool. Every company can function without dedicated maintenance software. However, without a CMMS, it is impossible to implement a philosophy of activities that seek to optimise processes and generate more revenue, such as WCM (Word Class Manufacturing), TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), Preventive Maintenance or Lean Manufacturing. Without the support of IT, it thus becomes more difficult to improve UR indicators and the effects of ongoing activities. Despite these constraints, however, the company can carry out its business, only with a much lower growth rate than its competitors, who have invested in optimising processes on a production.

7. A very high volume of data is required to implement CMMS

Effective use of CMMS requires that relevant data be captured. It is the client’s responsibility to collect and arrange the information, which should not take more than a few business days. If the data has already been collected electronically, it will take a lot less time to process. Import of information will be guaranteed by the solution vendor. In some instances, the approach of successively extending the information of the system during its use may also be used.


In addition to failures resulting from the normal life cycle of a machine without a CMMS system, there are various stoppages due to forgotten maintenance or unplanned preventive work, where sometimes one tightening of a screw would eliminate a failure that would stop the entire line. That’s why it’s so important to implement the right CMMS.

With the introduction of the QRmaint system and greater factory awareness, the work of mechanics translates into fewer breakdowns, faster repairs and better spare parts management, which ultimately translates into tangible financial benefits.

Until the end of July, we provide free support from a trained consultant during the implementation of the QRmaint system. Learn more about CMMS and call today at +48 12 400 41 70.


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    członek zespołu

    Sales Manager



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