
A system created for handling requests

Automate and simplify the reporting process. Stop wasting your precious time on phone calls or looking for e-mails with reports from employees or customers.

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Streamline the process of reporting with QRmaint

Share the option of adding the report with anyone located within the facilities included in the app, so that they can get that information as soon as possible. Find out about the features that will help you do this.


QR codes

Generate QRcodes for each location, object or device using QRmaint. Once the codes are scanned, they will direct you to a simple application form; the ticket that has just been created will be assigned to the object scanned.


Reporting Portal

Provide your employees or clients with a link to the general report form, so that they can easily and quickly submit a ticket. Customize the form to the needs of your organization, by adding additional relevant fields and set the requirements or due dates. You have your own website? Set up the application form as part of your website and simply start receiving the reports!


Reporting via email

QRmaint as an application handling program allows you to add reports via email. All you need to do is redirect your mail to start receiving the reports.


Free reporting user accounts

Set up accounts for employees so that they can easily add tickets and monitor their status and if necessary, add comments and/or correspond with the technicians assigned to the work order.


Notifications about a new application

Those responsible for the reports submitted, will be receiving an email and a push notification on their smartphone with each new submission.


Process Automation

Assign tickets to the technicians automatically; based on the location, asset, or other features affected and included in the ticket.


It’s easy to get started with QRmaint

And it’s free for 14 days. No credit card, no commitment.

zrzut ekranu

Start using the QRmaint mobile version:

  • Manage notifications from anywhere

Thanks to the QRmaint mobile application, wherever you are, you will be able to accept a notification for processing or hand it over to whoever shall be responsible for it.

  • Receive reports including images

Oftentimes, a photo might tell you more than the content of the repor.

  • Improve communication

Swap those e-mails, phones, text messages to one communication channel: the QRmaint application. As soon as the requestor adds a comment, you will be notified right away.

Try it for free

It’s easy to get started with QRmaint

And it’s free for 14 days. No credit card, no commitment.